Til den her kage, havde jeg forholdsvis frit lejde. Kagen skulle være lyseblå og der måtte gerne være blomster og navn på... det er altid dejligt, når man har kreativ frihed :D
Den er til 30 personer og består af chokoladebunde, med bærcreme, smurt op med ganache...
Lidt nærbilleder af detaljerne....
Den står bare på formen.. for den er på vej ned i æsken til afhentning :)
Mindre kønt, I know.. sorry...
The mind-body connection is powerful when it comes to stress. Things like frustration, resentment, anger, and hostility can create mental tension that leads to physical symptoms like headaches, back pain, and stomach issues. Learning to manage difficult emotions through self-reflection, talking to a friend, or writing in a journal can help prevent these effects.
The mind-body connection is powerful when it comes to stress. Things like frustration, resentment, anger, and hostility can create mental tension that leads to physical symptoms like headaches, back pain, and stomach issues. Learning to manage difficult emotions through self-reflection, talking to a friend, or writing in a journal can help prevent these effects.